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Sport Strength and Conditioning 

Our Sport Strength & Conditioning Program builds power, speed, endurance, and agility through sport-specific workouts. Athletes develop explosive strength and balance with weight training, plyometrics, agility drills, and cardio conditioning. This program enhances overall performance, strength, and stamina, helping teams and individuals stay strong and competitive all year long!


U11 will be focused on building your fundamentals in power, speed and endurance with strength training, agility drills, and sports specific conditioning.


U15 is all about taking what you were taught and furthering your development with the introduction of concepts and habits. 


U13 will be continuing to build on you fundamentals with adding physical literacy this includes understanding, as well as continue to enhance motor skills.


U18+ is where you taking all your training at full speed giving it 110% and keep pushing. We will push you to your limit and encourage you to keep going.

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